Friday, 19 August 2016

Prabhat Jain - An Amazing Father

Dad taught us many things. Do your best, don’t be lazy, be generous, play fair, things happen for a reason, and when you are down, get up and face life in all of the various complexities. I know from the bottom of my heart that the reason dad has gotten himself into this mess is because he cared an awful lot about people and his pride and he didn’t speak up when he should have.

Chris Jain

[My father’s] resolve and commitment to our family was tested during my parent’s divorce and even as his fallibilities unraveled before me, he never blinked as my father. That was the defining moment in our relationship and despite my anger toward him, he continued to do what he had always done as my dad, cooking dinner for us, challenging me at school and encouraging me to play my hardest on the soccer field. We would talk late at night and with tears in our eyes he would tell me, “We will get through this together.” It was not so much his comforting words that brought me peace but his spirit to perseverance. 

Throughout my childhood I watched [my dad] build his ideas into leading technology companies and as I grew older I gained an understanding of what made those companies flourish, his energy and drive to create. Working with him for three years at a start-up, I saw what separated him from his peers, his devotion to his work and his belief in the human spirit to innovate, adapt and overcome adversity. Each person I encountered who worked with him would get a smile on their face when began to speak about him and say, “Your father is an amazing man!” 

Roshan Jain

Prabhat Jain - A World Class Visionary and Marketer

Prabhat Jain - A World Class Visionary and Marketer

Prabhat is known the world over for his unique abilities to sense the market, get focused and deliver the products. He is a world class visionary and marketer. He has employed over 10,000 people worldwide since 1973 and generated several billion dollars in sales revenue. Many, many investors, employees, suppliers and customers have benefited from his vision and his passion and action to make his vision a reality.

Tatsuya Yamamoto President,
Evon Trading Company, Ltd.

Nobody understands multimedia better than Prabhat Jain

Nobody understands multimedia better than Prabhat Jain

I worked with Prabhat at Media Vision and although I was shocked to hear allegations of impropriety at the time, I never personally witnessed any illegal activity and I have since realized that whatever Paul’s mistakes were, he is at core an honest man who no doubt will stay well clear of any potential misdeeds. I also realized that there are 2 sides of every story. I personally can attest to Prabhat's story of how hard he worked and how he inspired Media Vision employees. This story has not been told.

I sought Prabhat Jain out to work with him again because I believe in him – nobody understands multimedia better than he does or shares his passion for it. He allows his engineers to have fun and build great products – and I want to be a part of Prabhat's next successful vision.

Dan Gochnauer (VP Engineering Media Vision)